Thursday, January 11, 2007


An early morning view from my office with the garage roofline in the foreground!
Looking out over the back deck with 5-6 inches on the railing...
Aren't these trees just gorgeous? You gotta love it!!!

This is what we woke up to this morning! It began snowing last evening, and was still snowing when we went to sleep last night! Our whole Puget Sound area got a good blanketing of snow, followed by sub-freezing temperatures coming down from Alaska & Canada, so for the next few days, we will be slipping and sliding our way around! My office is closed today due to the horrific driving conditions (many folks just ditched their cars along side the roads & freeways last night) and so I will enjoy this winter wonderland as best I can! Be SAFE, everyone!!!


Andrea said...

Wow! Isn't it great!? I guess we're making up for no snow last winter! I'm glad you're at home, warm and safe!

Anonymous said...

oh...sehr, sehr schoen .... now go outside and make some schnee Engels !!! mich

Evey said...

GORGEOUS! These pictures are delightful. I love it.

Although I am bitter. How I love the snow, it is so pretty.